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Marthe Hinojales

Economist, Regional Surveillance Group

Marthe M. Hinojales is an economist in the Regional Surveillance team, where she works mostly on issues concerning trade, supply chains, and FDI trends in the region, as well as on climate change. She is among the co-authors of AMRO’s annual flagship publication, the ASEAN+3 Regional Economic Outlook, and also contributes to country surveillance activities (e.g. Vietnam and Thailand), focusing on risks to the external sector and those emanating from climate change.

Prior to joining AMRO, Ms. Hinojales also worked as a South and Southeast Asia specialist for Verisk, a global risk consultancy firm.

Before relocating to Singapore, she spent a decade with Asian Development Bank’s regional cooperation and economic research sections in Manila, where she was involved in macroeconomic surveillance work and has conducted lectures on crisis monitoring (early warning systems) for regional policymakers. She has published on areas of debt sustainability, monetary policy, and economic and financial integration.

Ms. Hinojales holds a Bachelor’s in Economics and a Master’s Degree in Finance from the University of the Philippines (Diliman). She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in International Political Economy at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where her dissertation focuses on systemic theories on disaster financing in the ASEAN.