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Asian Development Bank Manila Headquarters

27 October 2022, 10:00 a.m.–4:20 p.m. (Manila time)

Thursday, 27 October 2022 Speaker
09:30–10:00 Registration
International Workshop:
Macroeconomic Outlook Amidst Diverse Challenges and Surging NPLs
Moderator: Cyn-Young Park, Director, ERCD, ADB
Welcome Remarks
Joseph Zveglich Jr.
Deputy Chief Economist
Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department (ERCD)
ADB (Confirmed)
10:10–10:20 Opening Remarks Ho Joon Won
Executive Director
10:20–10:35 Presentation on TA 9497 and IPAF (Video) Inyoung Hwang
Regional Cooperation Specialist
Regional Cooperation and Integration Division (ERCI) 
10:35–10:45 Photo Session (at the Courtyard)
Lead Presentation:

Preparing for a Gloomy Economic Outlook: 

Regional financial cooperation in dealing with uncertainties
Franziska Lieselotte Ohnsorge
Prospects Group in the Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions (EFI)
Practice Group
World Bank
11:05–12:05 Moderated Panel Discussion* Panelists:

Arief Ramayandi
Principal Economist
Macroeconomics Research Division (ERMR)

Marthe M. Hinojales
Regional Surveillance Group

Ch. Khashchuluun
Member, Monetary Policy Council
Bank of Mongolia

12:05–12:20 Open Floor Discussion**
12:20–14:20 Lunch and networking break (ADB PDR 3~4)

Launch Seminar: Road Map for Developing an Online Platform to Trade Nonperforming Loans in Asia and the Pacific
Moderator: Jongwoo Kang, Principal Economist, ERCD, ADB
14:20–14:25 Opening Remarks Albert Francis Park
Chief Economist and Director General
Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department (ERCD)
Photo Session (at the Auditorium Hall 4)

14:30–14:55 Keynote Presentation

Safeguarding Macroeconomic and Financial Stability through Regional Cooperation and Integration
Stijn Claessens
Head of Financial Stability Policy and Deputy Head of the Monetary and Economic Department
BIS (Virtual)
14:55–15:15 Presentation:
Road Map for Developing an Online Platform to Trade Nonperforming Loans in Asia and the Pacific

This publication provides a roadmap detailing the building blocks, components, and parameters that facilitate the creation of an NPL trading platform, an additional tool in resolving NPLs.
Peter Rosenkranz
Financial Sector Specialist
East Asia Department (EARD)

Richard Bevan
Portfolio Lead Advisory Services Deloitte (Virtual)
15:15–16:05 Moderated Panel Discussion Panelists:

Oleg Shmeljov
Senior Policy Expert & Team Leader for NPLs
Lidja Schiavo
Policy Expert
Data Analytics, Reporting and Transparency Department European Banking Authority (EBA)(Virtual)

Mahima Khanna
Global Upstream Officer 
IFC (Virtual)

Karlis Bauze
Vienna Financial Sector Advisory Centre (FinSAC)
World Bank

Burkhard Heppe
CTO and Co-founder
NPL Markets Ltd (Confirmed)
16:05–16:20 Open Floor Discussion
16:20–16:30 Break
16:30–18:00 IPAF Coordinating Council Meeting (Executive Level) Exclusive to IPAF Members

* Moderator will introduce the panelists.

Each panelist will be given 5-7 minutes to present his key messages through PPT slide presentation, maximum of 3 slides. When all panelists have presented their key messages, the moderator will start the panel discussion.

The moderator will ask each of the panelists 1 to 2 questions.

The moderator will then ask one common question for all the panelists, before opening the floor to further discussions.


** Before the moderator closes the session, each panelist might be given one minute to deliver a final message.