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(L-R) Burkhard Heppe, NPL Markets Ltd; Inyoung Hwang, ERCI, ERCD, ADB; Marthe Hinojales, AMRO Asia; Joseph Zveglich Jr., ERCD, ADB; Ch. Khashchuluun, Bank of Mongolia; Franziska Lieselotte Ohnsorge, World Bank; Cyn-Young Park, ERCI, ERCD, ADB; and Arief Ramayandi, ERMR, ERCD, ADB.

Financial institutions and representatives from central banks, ministries of finance, and asset management companies participated in this year’s International Conference on Regional Cooperation for Safeguarding Macroeconomic and Financial Stability held in ADB HQ.

(L-R, in-person) Marthe Hinojales, AMRO Asia; Peter Rosenkranz, EARD, ADB; Albert Park, ERCD, ADB; Jong Woo Kang, ERCI, ERCD, ADB; Burkhard Heppe, NPL Markets Ltd.

Government representatives from Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Maldives, Mongolia, the Philippines, Tajikistan and Taipei,China joined the IPAF members during the launch of the NPL report.

ADB and IPAF officials during the IPAF Coordinating Council Meeting.

Session 1 IPAF Conference 27 October 2022

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Session 2 IPAF Conference 27 October 2022

For more photos, click here.