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Ch. Khashchuluun

Member, Monetary Policy Council
Bank of Mongolia

Dr. Ch. Khashchuluun currently serves as a member of Monetary Policy Council for Central Bank of Mongolia and an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics of the National University of Mongolia.

 Ch.Khashchuluun was born in Mongolia in 1966. After graduating with honors from the Moscow State University’s Economic Faculty in 1989 he joined Mongolian National University as a lecturer of Political Economy. After acquiring master’s degree in economics at the Yokohama City University in 1996 and PhD degree in Economics at Keio University in Japan (2003) in international economics, returned to Mongolia to continue to work as a Dean of the School of Economic Studies of the National University of Mongolia (2004-2009).

In 2009-2012, he worked as a Chairman of National Development and Innovation Committee of Mongolia, a government agency in charge of national planning and development strategy, innovations and investment policy, which later became Ministry of Economic Development.

In 2010-2011, he was appointed as an inaugural Chairman of Board of Directors of newly organized Development Bank of Mongolia. Since 2012 worked at the National University of Mongolia and is engaged in managing a number of NGO and research consulting activities. From 2015 a member and editor of Mongolia’s Long-term sustainable development strategy for Mongolia 2016-2030, ratified by Parliament in 2015.

Ch.Khashchuluun held various prominent positions both from the government and academe throughout his career. Ch.Khashchuluun earned his PhD in Economics from Keio University in Tokyo, Japan. He served as USA Eishenhower Fellowship Fellow in 2007 and holds a degree in Economics (with honors) from Moscow State University. He received his master’s degree in Economics from Yokohama City University.