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Joseph E. Zveglich Jr.

Deputy Chief Economist
Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department
Asian Development Bank

Joseph E. Zveglich Jr. is the Deputy Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank. In this role, he sets research directions for the Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, ensures research quality, and briefs the ADB Board and Management on emerging economic issues.

Previously as Director of Macroeconomic research, Mr. Zveglich oversaw the preparation of the annual Asian Development Outlook and the Asian Development Outlook Update, ADB’s flagship publications forecasting economic trends in the region. He has also served as Principal Planning and Policy Economist at ADB’s Strategy and Policy Department, Senior Advisor to the President, and as Deputy Country Director at the ADB’s Sri Lanka Resident Mission. Mr. Zveglich joined ADB in 1998.

Before ADB, Mr. Zveglich worked as a researcher and instructor at the Harvard Institute for International Development as part of the team providing capacity building to government officials in macroeconomic policy and management. He was also a visiting instructor at the College of William and Mary.

Mr. Zveglich earned his Ph.D. and Master of Arts degree at Harvard University. He graduated summa cum laude in economics with an emphasis on Asian studies at Arizona State University.