Session topics for the 2021 AEW will be organized along the following subthemes:
Subthemes | Suggested Topics/Coverage | |
Role of evaluation in public financial management | Discuss performance-based budgeting, including new policy trends and guidance, processes and indicators, evaluation method exploration, use of evaluation results for decision-making in PRC and other countries | |
The New Normal: Nexus of Evaluation and Decision-making and Policy Coherence | Present adapted approaches and new ways of conducting evaluation (real time evaluation, focus group discussions, surveys, information technologies, big data, etc.) and the use of evaluation findings in influencing decision-making and enabling policy coherence in times of crises. | |
Collaborating for Solutions in Times of Uncertainties [Government, Private Sector, Development Partners] | Share and learn lessons from interdependence and collective actions of government institutions, the private sector and bilateral and multilateral development partners. | |
Evaluation Learning: North-South and South-South Cooperation | Share learnings and recommendations from north-south and south-south cooperation and experience-exchange for deepening development effectiveness. |
The AEW will run for five days and will be both a sharing and learning event. Days 1-2 and 4-5 will be the knowledge sharing days on the theme and subthemes. Day 3 is planned as a learning day managed directly by the proponents.