
Session topics for the 2021 AEW will be organized along the following subthemes:                                                                               

SubthemesSuggested Topics/Coverage
Role of evaluation in public financial managementDiscuss performance-based budgeting, including new policy trends and guidance, processes and indicators, evaluation method exploration, use of evaluation results for decision-making in PRC and other countries
The New Normal: Nexus of Evaluation and Decision-making and Policy CoherencePresent adapted approaches and new ways of conducting evaluation (real time evaluation, focus group discussions, surveys, information technologies, big data, etc.) and the use of evaluation findings in influencing decision-making and enabling policy coherence in times of crises.
Collaborating for Solutions in Times of Uncertainties [Government, Private Sector, Development Partners]Share and learn lessons from interdependence and collective actions of government institutions, the private sector and bilateral and multilateral development partners.
Evaluation Learning: North-South and South-South CooperationShare learnings and recommendations from north-south and south-south cooperation and experience-exchange for deepening development effectiveness.

The AEW will run for five days and will be both a sharing and learning event. Days 1-2 and 4-5 will be the knowledge sharing days on the theme and subthemes. Day 3 is planned as a learning day managed directly by the proponents.