

DAY 2: September 7 (Tue)
Time (UTC/GMT+8)

Session 7: Improving country M&E systems at scale: Building capacity of govts to strengthen the accessibility and usability of data (CLEAR-SA)
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Takeaway: The panel will move forward key questions on what it takes to use data in government decision making. Panelists will share their experiences on working with the government to generate demand for data use. Through reflections on success and failures, the panel will discuss critical factors that need to be in place to set up data based M&E systems within the government.


  • Maroof Syed, Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Economic Research in Pakistan (CERP)
  • Nassreena Sampaco-Baddiri, Country Director, Innovations for Poverty Action, Phillipines
  • Poppy Widyasari, Senior Research Manager, J-PAL South East Asia

Moderator: Megha Pradhan, Director, CLEAR/J-PAL South Asia

Register in advance for this webinar: https://adb-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FhRKDflKQm-rYdg0DCgXoA

Session 8: Evidence for achieving SDGs and facing the pandemic: demand and use of evaluation by Parliaments (GPFE)
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Takeaway: Participants will learn the importance of demand and use of evidence by Parliaments and practical examples from selected countries.

Lead presenter: Kabir Hashim, Chair, Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation/Member of Parliament Sri Lanka

Case study presenter: Josephine Watera, Head of Evaluation, M&E Division, Parliament of Uganda


  • Mylvaganam Thilakarajah, Former Member, Parliament of Sri Lanka
  • Natalia Nikitenko, Member of Parliament, Kyrgyz Republic
Moderator: Kieron Crawley, Consultant GPFE

Register in advance for this webinar: https://adb-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XBpUToHmTKyRGPkfhNVeAA

Session 9: Climate adaptation: from evaluation to action (EIB)
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Takeaway: Participants will learn from recent evaluations on climate change adaptation undertaken both in developing countries and in the European Union. The session will also address methodological issues, especially in regards to how to facilitate learning from evaluations.

Lead presenter: Milena Reinfeld, Senior Evaluator, European Investment Bank (EIB)


  • Sven Harten, Deputy Director, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval)
  • Andreas Reumann, Interim head of Independent Evaluation Unit, Green Climate Fund (GCF)
  • Garrett Kilroy, Senior Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB
  • Milena Reinfeld, Senior Evaluator, EIB
Moderator: Jan Willem van der Kaaij, Inspector General, EIB

Register in advance for this webinar: https://adb-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tXAtaPjMSUWxisnMNsLHHQ

Session 10: The role of Real Time Evaluations in influencing decision making during Covid 19 (ISDB)
5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Takeaway: Participants will learn how rapid evaluations , including real time evaluation (RTE), can narrow the learning gap and lead to better decision making in times of crises; gain insight from different experiences in conducting real time evaluations by MDBs and multilateral organizations; know more of alternative methods and techniques that can be used to adapt evaluation approaches to a disrupted and rapidly changing world and the associated challenges with such methods; and learn from concrete case studies on how to support adaptive management using RTE.

Lead presenter: Amin Abdullahi, Senior Evaluation Specialist, Islamic Development Bank (ISDB)


  • Rakesh Nangia, Vice President, Centennial, Former Evaluator General at AfDB
  • Deborah McWhinney, Senior Evaluation Officer, World Food Program (WFP)
  • Natalia Kryg, Principal Economist, Evaluation, Office of Evaluation, EBRD
Moderator: Hamdi Ahmedou , Senior Manager Monitoring and Evaluation, The International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC)

Register in advance for this webinar: https://adb-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Pa_HdTQMT3OzlQHGBtg3OQ

Session 11: Two years of evaluations under COVID: lessons and opportunities (IFAD)
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Takeaway: Participants will be encouraged to reflect on the constraints that COVID-19 pandemic has posed on evaluators as well as on the opportunities to introduce changes and some innovations (including through information technology) in international evaluation practices. This relates notably to data collection and analysis, interaction with stakeholders and roles in the evaluation teams.

Lead presenters:

  • Fabrizio Felloni, Deputy Director, IOE-IFAD
  • Roberto La Rovere, Consultant IOE-IFAD
  • Jos Vaessen, Methods Advisor, IEG-World Bank
  • A.K.M. Luthfur Rahman, Additional Chief Engineer & Director, Climate Resilient Local Infrastructure Centre, Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
  • Sanjeev Sridharan, Country Lead, Learning Systems and Systems Evaluation at the India Country Office of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 
Moderator: Maya Vijayaraghavan, Principal Evaluation Specialist, IED, ADB

Register in advance for this webinar: https://adb-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ceCOCWKASSm2p71-ZR_g5g

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