
Since 2016, government officials, representatives of international organizations, and evaluation experts have gathered annually at the AEW to exchange knowledge, experience and the latest thinking and innovation in evaluation.

Objectives of the AEW

The AEW has three main objectives:

(i) To provide a platform for countries and development partners to share knowledge on evaluation approaches, practices, lessons and experiences within and between Asia and other regions, such as Africa and Latin America;
(ii) To facilitate the evaluation and development community to showcase progress in evaluation practice including cutting edge ideas and methodologies on evaluation.
(iii) To deepen understanding on the use and role of evaluation in development effectiveness including learning and facilitating interface between policy makers and evaluators from around the world.

AEW over the years                                                                                

The 2016 AEW was held on 5-9 September 2016 in Xi’an, PRC was the first event to be held in Asia which allowed the exchange and synthesis of ideas on the latest and practicable thinking on evaluation. The inaugural AEW addressed the growing attention on the use of evaluation for better results and accountability, especially as countries commit to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, requiring better tracking and accounting of national objectives and goals.

Link: https://asianevaluationweek.org/2016-asian-evaluation-week
Evaluation for Policymaking”, was the theme of the 2017 AEW held on 4-8 September 2017 in Hangzhou, PRC. The event has a special focus on inclusive growth. This event demonstrated how evaluation findings can contribute to or influence the policy making process, the practices and approaches that support this, and examples of evaluations that showcase how findings from these support policies.

Link: https://asianevaluationweek.org/2017-asian-evaluation-week 
Making Evaluation Work at the Country Level” was the theme of the 2018 AEW held on 10-14 September 2018 in Chengdu, PRC. This theme acknowledged that evaluation is increasingly regarded by countries as critical for public policy formulation and implementation both from accountability and learning perspectives. The 2018 AEW examined various dimensions of how evaluation is used and can be supported at the country level.

Link: https://asianevaluationweek.org/2018-asian-evaluation-week
Quality Evaluation for Better Results: Local, National, Regional Perspectives” was the theme of the 2019 AEW held on 2-6 September 2019 in Kunming, PRC. This theme highlighted the importance of evaluation quality and recognized that evaluation operates at and is influenced by developments at the regional, national, and local levels. The 2019 AEW examined the various dimensions of how evaluation work could benefit and extract from the opportunities and arena at these various levels.

Link: http://2019.asianevaluationweek.org/
Evaluating for a Better Future” was the theme of the 2020 AEW , the first one to be held virtually on 7-11 September 2020. This theme recognized the impact of evaluation on elements that contribute to building a better future. The 2020 AEW examined the role of evaluation in public financial management; role of evaluation in providing strategic direction; evaluating private sector interventions for development; and evaluating to support innovation.

Link: https://asianevaluationweek.org/2020-asian-evaluation-week

Over the last six years, the AEW has established itself as a highly relevant forum for promoting knowledge and partnerships to advance evaluation and development effectiveness at the national, regional, and international levels. For the first virtual 2020 AEW, 32 sessions with more than 120 speakers, were held and participants representing 113 countries joined the week-long event.

Visit https://asianevaluationweek.org to view resources and materials from previous AEWs.