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Natalia Nikitenko     
Member of Parliament, Kyrgyz Republic

Natalia Nikitenko is a member of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic. Currently she is serving her second term in the parliament as she was first elected in 2010. She is a member of the parliament committee on Social Affairs, Education, Science, Culture and Public Health and Committee on Constitutional legislation, Judicial issues and state Structure since 2015.

She is a Steering Committee member of the Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation (GPFE) which is the global movement of parliamentarians promoting evaluation culture. She was instrumental in promoting evaluation culture in the country including M&E bill passed by the parliament. In 2016, the parliament hosted a session for parliamentarians from the Eurasian region where the Eurasian Regional Parliamentarians Forum was established and Natalia became the first Chair of the Forum. EvalPartners 3rd Global Forum will be held at the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan in end April being the 2nd national parliament hosting a global evaluation event thanks to Natalia. She is one of the few parliamentarians evaluation champions in the globe.