
Keynote Address: The Challenge of Socially Inclusive Growth:
Lessons from Latin America for Asia and the Pacific 

Maribel Ortiz

Former Senior Specialist in Governance, International Social Security Association (ISSA)

Plenary Panel Discussion: Former Senior Specialist in Governance,
International Social Security Association (ISSA)

Katinka Weinberger

Chief of Sustainable Socioeconomic Transformations Section, The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Session 3A: The Role of Active Labor Market Programs on the Road to Recovery and Reactivation

Duncan Campbell

Independent Consultant and Former Director, Employment Strategy Department, International Labour Organization (ILO)

Sarah Arriola

Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, International Organization of Migration (IOM) 

Ram Chandra Dhakal

Joint Secretary/National Program Director, Prime Minister Employment Program (PMEP), Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, Nepal 

Noor Andrini Wuryandari

Functional Planner from Directorate of Manpower, Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), Indonesia  

Ngo Xuan Lieu

Director, National Centre for Employment Services – Department of Employment, Ministry Of Labour – Invalids And Social Affairs (MOLISA), Viet Nam

Session 3B: Social Protection for Economic Inclusion:
Stories from Piloting and Scaling Up the Graduation Approach

Enkhtsetseg Tudev

Team Leader, Mongolia Graduation Pilot Project, Mongolian Red Cross Society

Ricardo Carlos V. Barba

Principal Safeguard Specialist and Mission Leader of Tamil Nadu Inclusive, Resilient, and Sustainable Housing Project, Office of Safeguards, ADB  

Florentino Y.
Loyola Jr.

Assistant Secretary for Specialized Programs under Operations Group and Concurrent Officer-in-Charge National Program Manager, Sustainable Livelihoods Program, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Philippines

H.D. Sudarshana A. Jayasundara

Senior Social Development Officer (Gender), Sri Lanka Resident Mission, South Asia Department, ADB 

Karin Schelzig

Director, Human and Social Development Sector Office, Sectors Group, ADB

Session 3C: Social Health Protection: Extending Coverage
and Improving Access in Asia and the Pacific

Seetha Arambepola

State Minister, Ministry of Health,
Sri Lanka  

Ismail Azzam Wajeeh

Managing Director, Aasandha Company Limited, Maldives 

Clementine Bautista

Acting Senior Vice President, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), Philippines 

Session 4A: Social Protection for Gig Work and other New Forms of Work 

Nuno Cunha

Senior Labour Market Institutions Specialist at the Inclusive Labour Markets, Labour Relations and Working Conditions Branch (INWORK),  International Labor Organization (ILO)

Session 4B: Inclusive Social Protection:
Progress in Expanding Disability Inclusive Social Protection

Alex Cote

Disability and Social Protection, Social Policy Specialist, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Rhodora Alday

Director IV and Head of Policy Development and Planning Bureau, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Philippines

Sonnur Beerappa Muniraju

Deputy Advisor, National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog), India 

Session 4C: Effective Social Protection Responses in Conflict-Affected and Other Fragile Situations

Isvary Sivalingam

Southeast Asia Lead,
Better Than Cash Alliance

Rachel Slater

Independent Consultant, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, United Kingdom