
Keynote Address: The Challenge of Socially Inclusive Growth:
Lessons from Latin America for Asia and the Pacific 

Santiago Levy

Senior Fellow
The Brookings Institution

Session 1A: Inflation and Social Protection

Herwig Immervoll

Head of Social Benefits & Green Transition, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD

Giorgia Valleriani

Consultant, Social Protection and Jobs  Global Practice, The World Bank 

Arrie Wibowo Witjaksono

Directorate of Poverty Alleviation and Community Empowerment, Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), Indonesia 

Suphannada Lowhachai

Policy and Plan Analyst, Expert Level / Expert on Income Improvement and Income Redistribution, Social Data-based and Indicator Development Office,The National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC), Thailand

Session 1B: Just Transition

Christina Dankmeyer

Advisor, Just Transition, Financing Sector Initiative, Social Protection, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Session 1C: Shaping Social Protection in a Post-Pandemic World:
Bridging Social Assistance, Social Insurance, and Labor Market Policies

Yasser El-Gammal

Practice Manager, Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice, The World Bank

Cheryl Harrison

Deputy Director, Global Cash-Based Transfers Division, World Food Programme (WFP) 

Denni Puspa Purbasari

Executive Director, PMO Kartu Prakerja, Indonesia

Session 2A: Adaptive and Shock-Responsive Social Protection  

Daniel Longhurst

Social Protection and Cash Based Transfers Adviser, WFP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific

Agnes Soucat

Director Health and Social Protection, Agence Française De Développement (AFD) 

Rhodora Alday

Bureau Director, Policy Development and Planning Bureau, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Philippines 

Suprayoga Hadi

Deputy of Policy Support for Human Development and Equality, the Secretariat of the Vice President, as the Executive Secretary of TNP2K, Indonesia

Session 2B: Financing Social Protection:
Fiscal Space and Domestic Resource Mobilization

Andrea Rossi

Regional Advisor, Social Policy and Economic Analysis, East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Herwig Immervoll

Head of Social Benefits & Green Transition, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD

Sinta Satriani

Social Protection Specialist, Pacific Partnerships for Social Protection Program (P4SP) 

Parbati Aryal

Joint Secretary, Economic Policy Analysis Division, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (MOLESS), Nepal  

Session 2C: Building Human Capital, Protecting Development Gains: 
Food Security and Nutrition as the Building Blocks of Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific

Naveed Akbar

Director General, Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), Pakistan