9:00‒9:30 a.m.
| Registration |
9:30‒9:35 a.m.
| Recap
of Day 2 (including
housekeeping announcement)
9:35‒10:00 a.m.
| Session 9: Carbon Tax Toolkit Moderator: Yixin Yao, Senior Research Fellow, ADBI Speaker: - Sandeep Bhattacharya
Senior Public Management Specialist (Tax),
Governance Thematic Group, SDCC, ADB This session will present the recent launch of ADB’s new capacity development tool on carbon tax and relevant environmental taxation. Q&A |
10:00‒11:00 a.m.
| Session 10: Breakout Session – Key Findings and Lesson Learned
This session will take place in parallel breakout rooms. All participants in each group are to discuss these two questions: - What is the most challenging issue/s raised in this workshop in terms of tax policy and tax administration from your role and jurisdiction’s perspective?
- What issues and approaches have arisen in this workshop that you found new and innovative and the ones you would like to receive more information on and/or discuss with your colleagues in your jurisdiction when you return from this Workshop?
11:00‒11:30 a.m.
| Coffee Break
11:30 a.m.‒12:15 p.m.
| Session 11: Plenary Session – Way Forward and Donor Coordination Moderator: Richard Highfield, Consultant, ADB Speakers: - Margaret Cotton
Deputy Division Chief, Revenue Administration II, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF - Melinda Brown
Senior Tax Advisor, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD - Yuki Araki
Senior Governance Specialist, Fiscal Policy and Sustainable Growth Unit, Macroeconomic, Trade and Investment Department, World Bank - Richard Stern
Consultant, ADB This session will discuss the summaries for each breakout room. Thereafter, it will showcase the recent developments in capacity development support provided by international organizations, and explore how capacity development providers can coordinate with each other to create synergies. |
12:15‒12:30 p.m.
| Wrap-up and Closing Remarks - Takenaga Tabata
Director, International Operations Division, NTA - Hiranya Mukhopadhyay
Chief of Governance Thematic Group, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, ADB
| Lunch