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This challenge is now CLOSED. Winners will be announced on this page shortly.

Calling all Mongolian
Civil Society Organizations:  

We invite you to identify development challenges and propose innovative solutions to strengthen climate resilience of vulnerable communities across Mongolia. We will provide a $25,000 contract and an opportunity to work with ADB to the most promising proposal. 

Mongolia faces significant challenges in climate resilience and disasters, particularly in rural areas and ger communities.  Natural disasters such as dzuds, droughts, storms, and extreme temperatures that disproportionately impact the poorest and most vulnerable populations, including herders and rural communities and those living in Ger districts.   Natural disasters caused by climate change are exacerbated by challenges such as overgrazing, land degradation, poor waste management, and air pollution, among others.   To address these challenges, ADB is seeking innovative, inclusive, and sustainable solutions to lead climate resilience efforts in Mongolia.   One (1) winner will be selected for this challenge. More details and to apply click

If shortlisted, you will be invited to pitch your idea in person to a small evaluation committee and set up a booth at the Civil Society Partnership Day in Ulaanbaatar on September 19th and 20th.  The cost of the booth will be funded by ADB.