
Event Venue: Grand Ballroom I, 2nd Floor, Grand Hyatt Shanghai

                                                                                    Day 1: Thursday, 27 July 2023
09:00 – 09:20
Opening Session

Welcome remarks by:
Mr. Yuebin Zhang, Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist, Regional Cooperation
and Integration and Trade Division (CCRC), Climate Change and Sustainable
Development Department (CCSD), ADB
• Mr. Zheng Huaiyu, Deputy Director General, Global Sustainable Transport Innovation and
Knowledge Center (GSTIKC)
Ms. Jing Fu, Principal Financing Partnerships Specialist and Manager of People’s
Republic of China Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund (PRC Fund), ADB
09:20 – 10:50      Session 1: Green Port Best Practice: Global and Regional Perspective
This session will discuss the global and regional perspectives of green port best practices
and regulatory drivers.

Moderator: Dr. R. Duncan McIntosh, Senior Regional Maritime Specialist, Sectors Group,

Ms. Zhengni Yang, Technical Officer, Department of Partnerships and Projects International
Maritime Organization (IMO)
Ms. Tanya Ferry, Senior Consultant, Green Port, Royal Haskoning DHV (RHDHV), Netherlands
Ms. Lisa Wunder, Marine Environmental Manager, Port of Los Angeles, USA
10:50 – 11:10
Group Photo
Coffee Break
(Venue: Foyer, 2nd Floor, Grand Hyatt Shanghai)
11:10 – 12:30
Session 2: Green Port Case Studies: Asia-Pacific Perspective
This session will include several case studies for green port development across Asia and
the Pacific. Presenters will share their experiences in green port development and highlight
opportunities and challenges they are facing.

Moderator: Dr. R. Duncan McIntosh, Senior Regional Maritime Specialist, Sectors Group, ADB

Case study 1 (Pacific Community): presented by Mr. Sitalingi Payne, Maritime Port and
Shipping Adviser, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
Case study 2 (port in the Pacific): presented by Ms. Silalomanu Isaia, Assistant Port
Operations Manager, Samoa Port Authority / Team Leader Green Port Initiative Project, Samoa
Case study 3 (PRC experience): presented by Dr. Luo Wenbin, General Manager
Engineering & Equipment Department, Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.,
Shanghai, China
12:30 – 14:00
Lunch (Venue: ON56 Restaurant, 56th Floor, Grand Hyatt Shanghai)
13:30 – 15:15
Session 2: Green Port Case Studies (continued)
This session will continue the case study presentation in the morning.

Moderator: Dr. R. Duncan McIntosh, Senior Regional Maritime Specialist, Sectors Group, ADB

Case study 4 (port in Southeast Asia): presented by Mr. Wahyu Cahyo Utomo, Department Head
Planning Port Equipment, Pelindo Group, Indonesia.
Case study 5 (port in Southeast Asia): presented by Mr. Nguyen Dinh Thang, Director,
Business Division, Port of Hai Phong Joint Stock Company, Viet Nam
Case study 6 (port in South Asia): presented by Mr. Unmesh Wagh, Deputy Chairman
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority, India
15:15 – 15:30
Coffee Break (Venue: Foyer, 2nd Floor, Grand Hyatt Shanghai)
15:30 – 16:30
Session 3: Panel Discussion: Green Port in Asia: Opportunities and Challenges
This session will focus on exchanging ideas/views on green port opportunities and
challenges in Asia.

Moderator: Dr. R. Duncan McIntosh, Senior Regional Maritime Specialist, Sectors Group, ADB

: (6) presenters in the case study session and (3) experts in Session 1.
Mr. Sitalingi Payne, Maritime Port and Shipping Adviser, Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Ms. Silalomanu Isaia, Assistant Port Operations Manager, Samoa Port Authority / Team Leader
Green Port Initiative Project, Samoa
Dr. Luo Wenbin, General Manager Engineering & Equipment Department, Shanghai International
Port (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China
Mr. Wahyu Cahyo Utomo, Department Head Planning Port Equipment, Pelindo Group, Indonesia.
Mr. Nguyen Dinh Thang, Director, Business Division, Port of Hai Phong Joint Stock Company,
Viet Nam
Mr. Unmesh Wagh, Deputy Chairman Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority, India
Maritime Organization (IMO)
Ms. Zhengni Yang, Technical Officer, Department of Partnerships and Projects International
Ms. Tanya Ferry, Senior Consultant, Green Port, Royal HaskoningDHV (RHDHV), Netherlands
Ms. Lisa Wunder, Marine Environmental Manager, Port of Los Angeles, USA
16:30 – 17:15
Session 4: Introduction to Green Port Financing and Funding Initiative
This session will introduce ADB’s Green Port Financing and Funding Initiative.

Moderator: Mr. Yuebin Zhang, Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist, CCSD, ADB

Mr. George Lin, Project Director, RHDHV, Netherlands
17:15 – 17:30
Closing Session

Closing Remarks by:
Mr. Yuebin Zhang, Principal Regional Cooperation Specialist, CCSD, ADB
Hosted dinner (Venue: Conference Room I, 1st Floor, Grand Hyatt Shanghai)

                                                                                      Day 2: Friday, 28 July 2023
07:40 – 08:00      
Assembly at the Hotel Entrance (Ground Floor, Grand Hyatt Shanghai)
Attire: Business casual and comfortable footwear

       08:00    Departure from Grand Hyatt Shanghai Hotel                                                                 
08:00 – 10:00
Travel to Shanghai Yangshan Deep Water Port
10:00 – 10:20
Session 1: General introduction of Shanghai Yangshan Deep Water Port
10:20 – 10:40
Session 2: Bus tour around the Shanghai Yangshan Phase IV Automated Container Terminal,
which is a fully automated, low carbon and environmentally friendly terminal
10:40 – 11:15
Session 3: View the whole Shanghai Yangshan Deep Water Port from the observation platform
11:15 – 12:00
Departure from Yangshan Phase Four to Shuyuan Renjia Restaurant - Lingang Store
12:00 – 13:30
Lunch (Shuyuan Renjia Restaurant - Lingang Store)
13:30 – 14:20
Departure from Shuyuan Renjia Restaurant - Lingang Store to Grand Hyatt Shanghai Hotel
Arrival at Grand Hyatt Shanghai Hotel