Opening Plenary
Session 1: Social Protection and Human Capital Development
Session 2: Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving the SDGs in Asia and the Pacific—Expanding Social Protection for All
Session 3: Financing the SDG Social Protection Agenda
Session 4: Social Protection and Gender Equality: A New Lens for Promoting Inclusion and Empowerment
Special Session: International Labour Organization’s Centenary Year (1919-2019)
Session 5: The Changing World of Work: Challenges for Social Protection Systems - Technology, New Forms of Employment and Social Protection
Session 6A: Targeted Cash Transfers: Lessons from Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Philippines
Session 6B: Achieving Universal Health Coverage in Asia and the Pacific
Session 6C: Exploring Community-Based Financing Arrangements for Social Protection: Microinsurance and Hometown Investments
Session 7A: Child Benefits in Asia: Experiences from Implementation
Session 7B: Towards Inclusive Social Protection Systems Supporting Participation of Persons with Disabilities
Session 7C: Monitoring Social Protection at the Country, Regional and Global Levels
Session 9A: Closing the Social Security Coverage Gap
Session 9B: Social Pensions in Myanmar, Thailand, and Timor-Leste
Session 10A: Macroeconomic Stability of the Era of Aging Populations
Session 10B: Social Protection for Economic Inclusion— Cash, Coaching, and Confidence: How the Graduation Approach Achieves Sustainable Livelihoods
Session 11A: Social Protection Implications of Long-term Care: Lessons from the Region and Beyond
Session 11B: Strengthening Social Protection Governance
Session 12A: Social Protection and Labor Market Programs and Policies
Session 12B: Youth Employment and Social Protection
Session 13A: Integrated Information Management for Social Protection
Session 13B: Adaptive Social Protection and Strengthening Resilience - Strengthening Climate and Disaster Resilience through Social Protection
Session 14A: Learning from Regional Cooperation: Innovative Approaches to Capacity Development
Session 14B: Food Security, Nutrition, and Social Protection
Session 14C: Social Protection and Ending AIDS in Asia and the Pacific