Watertech and Information Company Introduction
Exhibitor: Zhenghou Water-Tech Information Technology Company, People Republic of China
Interactive Zoom session: 17 March, 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Manila time)
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Technology Profile

1. Water safety and nonrevenue water management consultation.
2. Water Balance Calculation software.
3. Integrated Waterloss Control management system.
4. Water distribution networks modelling.
5. Pump station energy saving technology.
6. Storm water management and low impact development design and implementation.

Zhengzhou Water-Tech Information Technology Company has more customers in China water sector. The professional staff and their know-how or experiences are the company's feature in China.

The company looks for the partnership or relevant companies in order to promote advanced water technology within the China and other markets.

To know more about our Smart Water Technology

Click on the recording (passcode: eMarket1) and presentation of the interactive session.

Please contact us:

 Zhangyang, Teamleader