
19 January, Thursday (8:30am-10:30am)

Moderator: Yasmin Siddiqi

  • Crop damages of the 2022 floods in Pakistan: A spatial information assessment
    • Noriko Sato, Takashi Yamano; Murali Gumma (ICRISAT)
  • Rice harvest mechanization to reduce field burning in Pakistan: An impact evaluation
    • Takashi Yamano, Noriko Sato, Babur Wasim
  • Inflation and trade concerns in international rice markets: An economic modeling
    • Valerene Pede (IRRI), Harold Valera (IRRI) and Takashi Yamano
  • Asia’s transition to net zero: Opportunities and challenges in agriculture
    • Architesh Panda (UNU) and Takashi Yamano

Yasmin Siddiqi

Noriko Sato

Harold Valera (IRRI)

Takashi Yamano

Moderator: Cyn Young Park

  • Cross-border value chains in developing Asia withstood trade tensions and the global pandemic 
    • Jules Hugot and Reizle Platitas
  • Non-tariff measures (NTMs) and time and costs at border crossing points of perishable goods:  Impact on Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) intraregional trade
    • Dorothea Ramizo and Akiko Hagiwara
  • The impact of COVID-19 mobility restrictions on trade facilitation at borders in the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Region
    • Kijin Kim
  • Determinants of trade in climate-smart goods of the People’s Republic of China: The role of environmental regulation, trade policy, renewable energy, and the PRC’s 11th Five-Year Plan
    • Dorothea Ramizo

Cyn Young Park

Jules Hugot

Dorothea Ramizo

Kijin Kim

Moderator: Abdul Abiad

  • The long-term growth prospects of the People’s Republic of China
    • Dominik Peschel
  • Mapping sovereign debt vulnerabilities in Asia and the Pacific
    • Benno Ferrarini and Suzette Dagli 
  • Central bank asset purchase programs in emerging market economies
    • John Beirne and Eric Sugandi
  • Measuring financial stress index for Nepal 
    • Pradeep Panthi (ADBI), Pragati Paudel (Quest International College, Pokhara University, Nepal) and Niranjan Devkota (Pokhara University, Nepal)

Abdul Abiad

Dominik Peschel

Benno Ferrarini

Suzette Dagli

John Beirne

Pradeep Panthi

Pragati Paudel

Moderator: Milan Thomas

  • An investigation of youth unemployment in Bhutan
    • Sonam Lhendup and Milan Thomas
  • Learning loss in Bhutan from COVID-19 school closures: evidence from a student level panel of test scores
    • Ryotaro Hayashi, Xylee Javier, David Raitzer, Milan Thomas
  • The effect of STEM career mentoring on students’ perceptions and educational choices: Field evidence from Bhutan
    • Ryotaro Hayashi, Bryant Kim (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Norihiko Matsuda (Florida International University), Trinh Pham (Cornell University)
  • The effect of TVET career mentoring on students’ perceptions and educational choices: Field evidence from Bhutan
    • Ryotaro Hayashi, Bryant Kim (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Norihiko Matsuda (Florida International University), Trinh Pham (Cornell University), Milan Thomas, David Raitzer 

Milan Thomas

Sonam Lhendup

David Raitzer

Ryotaro Hayashi