Note: As a precautionary measure, ADB HQ is implementing a mandatory health screening for visitors. For reference, kindly read the guidelines. Conference participants are requested to show up at least 45 minutes before the start of the programme. 


Friday, 14th February
ADB Auditoriums A and B
Session 3 & 4: Recap from Day 2
Country Presentation  (10 mins)

General Q & A (10 mins)
Breakout 2: Group discussion for sessions 3 and 4
Group 3A & B Set of suggested topics related to session 3 prepared in advance
Objective: Discuss your national experience of securing quality of statistical information and improving data coherence through statistical analysis and analytical frameworks

Are there any mechanisms in place to secure the quality and coherence of official statistics and indicators? Please explain.

How are your main user groups, both inside and outside the government, consulted and engaged in your respective initiatives for securing the quality of official statistics? Please explain.

Can you provide us with any relevant success stories, new initiatives or best practices?

What additional support from bilateral and multilateral partners could support efforts for securing the quality of official statistics?

What is missing from the discussion on this session that should be covered in the Handbook?

Group 4A & B Set of suggested topics related to session 4 prepared in advance

Objective: Discuss your national experience of mobilizing and securing adequate resources and infrastructure, and promoting regional and global cooperation for the development of national statistical capacity

Which resources given to official statistics are the most critical for securing and further developing statistical capacity that is fit for purpose? Please explain.

Can you provide us with any recent success stories, new initiatives or best practices related to mobilizing and securing adequate resources for official statistics?

How could bilateral and multilateral partners contribute more effectively to the mobilization of adequate resources for official statistics?

Can you provide us with any recent success stories, new initiatives or best practices related to the protection of core data and critical statistical infrastructure against natural disasters?

What is missing from the discussion on this session that should be covered in the Handbook?
Tea/coffee break (10:30-11:15)
Breakout 2: Report in plenary and general discussion
Facilitator: UNSD

Report back on outcome of breakout session (10 mins each group)

Reporters for General Discussion:

Rapporteur group 3A

Rapporteur group 3B

Rapporteur group 4A

Rapporteur group 4B
Closing – Conclusions of the Conference (12:45 – 13:15)
Co-organisers (UNSD/ ADB/ UNESCAP) final conclusions (15 mins)

Final discussion (15 mins)