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Isabelle Chatry 
Unit Head, Decentralisation
Subnational Finance and Infrastructure
Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD 

Isabelle Chatry’s work covers several topics related to multi-level governance and regional development, including decentralisation and territorial reforms, subnational government finance, subnational climate finance and infrastructure public investment.

She is co-author of several thematical and country multi-level governance reviews. She also publishes the annual OECD statistical booklet on Subnational governments in OECD countries and is the OECD project manager of the World Observatory on Subnational Government Finance and Investment. Prior to joining the OECD, Isabelle worked at Dexia Crédit Local’s Research department and Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and was also an independent consultant.

Graduated from the French “Ecole Normale Supérieure of Fontenay-Saint Cloud” (ENS), Isabelle holds an "agrégation" in geography.