Mr Hakim Hamadi graduated with a Doctorate in law from Université du Sud Toulon Var (USTV) (France). Since April 2020, he has been heading the Capacity Building and Outreach Unit of the Global Forum Secretariat. He was successively Tax Advisor (2008-2013) and Senior Tax Advisor (2013-2015) with the French Ministry of Finance, dealing with tax issues at European and multilateral level, and Tax Policy Advisor in the Global Forum Secretariat (2015-2020) involved in peer reviews and capacity building. Prior to that, he was Teaching Assistant and Researcher at the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur les Contentieux – CERC USTV) (2003-2006). He had been Teaching Assistant at the Université Blaise Pascal – Clermont-Ferrand (France) (2006-2007), Lecturer at the USTV (2009-2010), and since 2016 has been leading seminars on administrative tax cooperation at the Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne (France).