Welcome to the Asia-Pacific Rural Development and Food Security Forum 2022.
commitment to end hunger and malnutrition is increasing globally, with the need for integrated approaches to combat climate
change, among other challenges.
Join other experts, practitioners and thought leaders to:
- Rethink the future of agriculture amidst complex and evolving challenges;
- Explore new research, innovations, and technologies that can help build nature-positive food systems; and
- Forge partnership and collaboration to mobilize finance for innovation, research, and business to promote food and nutrition security in the Asia and Pacific region.
Together, let us build a green and resilient new normal for rural development and food security.
#RDFS2022 Activities Day 1: 22 March 2022• Leaders' Roundtable: The Future of Food and Agriculture • Technical Session 1: Digital Technology for AgricultureDay 2: 23 March 2022 • Deep Dive 1: The Role of Education in Reducing Rural-Urban
Divide • Deep Dive 2: Urban/Controlled Environment Farming—New Window
for Fresh and Nutritious Food • Technical Session 2: Pathways to Sustainable and Inclusive Food Systems • Technical Session 3: Intersectoral Approach to Nutrition SecurityDay 3: 24 March 2022 • Special Session: COVID-19 Impacts on Food Systems • Deep Dive 3: Alternative Proteins to Meet the Growing Demand • Technical Session 4: Financing Green, Resilient and Inclusive Agriculture • Knowledge Product Showcase • Actions and Recommendations | |