21 January, Friday (11:00am-12:30pm) Session 5C: Population Aging and Labor Markets of Older Persons |
Technology and Wage Share of Older Workers
Author/s: Donghyun Park, Kwanho Shin
Technological progress may be less beneficial for older workers than younger workers. In this paper, we empirically examine the impact of technological change on the wage share of old workers. More specifically, we look at five different types of technological advancement using data from thirty European and Asian countries which are at the forefront of global population aging. Our findings indicate that recent technological developments centered on information and communication technology (ICT), software, and robots do not adversely affect old workers. One possible explanation is that old workers may be more open to and capable of learning new technologies than widely presumed.
JEL codes: E24, E25, J01, J11, O11