21 January, Friday (9:00am-10:30am) Session 4A: Regional Integration and Spillovers |
Application of the Asia-Pacific Regional Cooperation and Integration Index to Eurasia
Author/s: Bahodir Ganiev, Rolando Avendano
This paper presents a customized approach to the measurement of regional integration in the Eurasia region. We adapt the Asia Pacific Regional Integration and Cooperation Index (ARCII) framework and incorporate indicators that more accurately reflect the regional linkages and economic context of this subregion. The selection of indicators is determined by data quality, availability of alternative data sources and other relevant integration channels not fully captured in the standard ARCII framework. The tailored framework also aims to capture the important role of Russian Federation in subregional integration. Preliminary results highlight the important role of extra regional linkages for understanding regional integration.
JEL codes: F15, C38, O50