21 January, Friday (11:00am-12:30pm)
Session 5A: Production and Global Value Chains

Global Value Chains and Female Employment

Author/s: Janine Elora Lazatin, Ricardo Ang III, Maegan Saroca, Elaine Tan

The study seeks to analyze the role of global value chain (GVC) participation in creating employment opportunities for women at the aggregate economy and economy-industry levels. The study uses the Asian Development Bank Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables and various labour force surveys to analyze the demand for male and female employment induced by domestic final demand, foreign final demand, and GVCs at the aggregate economy and economy-industry levels. It then analyzes the different dimensions that have led to the changes in labour demand across gender over time. Further analysis looks at the geospatial implications as well as the implications across age groups of GVC-induced labour demand, particularly in times of crises.

JEL codes: D57, F16, F63, J16, J21