21 January, Friday (3:00pm-5:00pm)
Session 7B: Evaluating Rural Projects

Economic Impacts of a Flood and Drought Management and Mitigation Project in Lao PDR

Author/s: Murali Gumma, Takashi Yamano, Vanthong Ithavong; Thongdeuane Nanthanavone

A flood and drought management and mitigation project improved irrigation facilities and rural roads along Mekong River near Vientiane, capital of Lao People’s Democratic Republic. By using the advanced spatial information technology and satellite images over year, this study estimates the impacts of the project on agricultural production. The analysis is verified and supplemented with a household survey of conducted in 2021. The preliminary results show expansion of irrigated areas, rice production, and cropping intensity between 2016 to 2020.

JEL codes: O13, Q12, Q25