21 January, Friday (1:00pm-2:30pm)
Session 6C: Evaluation of Donor Interventions

Application of Geographic Information Systems in Impact Evaluation and Geospatial Portfolio Analysis of Transport Projects

Author/s: Toshiyuki Yokota, Homer Pagkalinawan

New technologies enable ADB support to be assessed more efficiently. Geospatial data are available retrospectively and remotely. This is particularly useful for evaluators working in fragile and conflict-affected countries, and those with constraints on their access to data, including COVID-19. This paper reports the results of two IED evaluation studies. Two levels of impact analysis using nighttime light were carried out at the project and sector level. Both analyses found positive contributions of ADB support to economic growth. The paper also discusses size of population of potential beneficiaries, and sensitivity of CO2 emission on project sites.

JEL codes: C89