
Event 4: Build Back Better Sector Dialogue: Irrigated Agriculture

Date/Time: 10 February 2025, Monday, 1:00PM-2:00PM Manila time

The fourth webinar will explore good practice solutions, considerations, and lessons learned for building back better of agriculture systems, featuring a case study on how Viet Nam strengthened resilience of its irrigation systems and rural livelihoods following successive droughts.


Yasmin Siddiqi
Agriculture, Food, Nature, and Rural Development
 Sector Group, ADB​

Robert Stanley Rout​
Irrigation and Water Resource
 Management Specialist

Chau N. Vu​
Senior Project Officer
Agriculture, Food, Nature, and Rural Development
Sector Group, ADB

Deborah Robertson​
Environment Specialist
 Agriculture, Food, Nature, and Rural Development
Sector Group, ADB 

Two further events to be announced for 2025.