
Speaker's Bio

Astha Kapoor

Astha Kapoor is the Co-founder of Aapti Institute, a Bangalore based research firm that works on the intersection of technology and society. She has 14 years of public policy and strategy consulting experience, with a focus on use of technology for welfare. Astha leads research and tests new methods of data sharing, data stewardship and governance. Her recent work is focused on participative governance of data, and its use for building collaborative AI, through collective governance methods such as cooperatives, especially for women. Astha also works on ideas of digital public infrastructure, especially on questions of bottom up governance. Astha is increasingly interested in formations of trust around technology adoption and use, and is leading a two year research study to understand women's digital trust in India. She’s a member of World Economic Forum Global Future Council on data equity (2023-24), visiting fellow at the Ostrom Workshop (Indiana University). She was also a member of the Think20 taskforce on digital public infrastructure during India's G20 presidency and is currently a co-chair for the T20 task force on platformisation of government services for the Brazilian G20 presidency. Astha is a two-time TedX speaker, and a Global Governance Futures Fellow 2018-19. Astha's writing has been published in the Mint, Hindu, Deccan Herald among others.