
The AEW is a leading evaluation knowledge sharing platform in the Asia and Pacific region, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Finance, PRC through the Asia-Pacific Finance and Development Institute (AFDI) and the Asian Development Bank’s Independent Evaluation Department (IED).

Each AEW espouses a theme to focus on a specific issue related to evaluations at the national, regional, and international levels. The theme for the 2021 AEW is

Transformational Evaluation: Moving from Uncertainties to Resilience

This theme recognizes the role of evaluation in providing evidence-based information, lessons and recommendations on development issues to help address short and long-term challenges and current uncertainties towards resilient and sustainable development.

The event will be held virtually from 06 to 10 September 2021.

Who can Attend?

Government officials, representatives of international organizations, and evaluation experts interested to exchange knowledge, experience and the latest thinking and innovation in evaluation.