17 January, Wednesday (1:45 pm–5:00 pm)
Closed Door Subregional Session A: Pacific (Auditorium 1)
Moderator: Kaukab Naqvi
1. General plans for supporting Pacific economics work
a. Changes to the Pacific Economics Team (departures and arrivals)
b. HQ Team country assignments
2. Knowledge work and operational pipelines
a. ADO April 2024 policy challenges
b. Pacific Economic Monitor: themes, proposed changes to procedures
c. Country Performance Assessment 2024 exercise
3. Other matters
Subregional Session B: Central and West Asia [Open to ADB Staff] (Auditorium 2)
The event is open to all ADB staff, who may wish to attend either in person or online.
For virtual participation or further details, contact Kenji Takamiya, CWRD
Moderator: Kiyoshi Taniguchi
1. Policy challenges for ADO 2024
2. CPS and CDS preparation
3. Impact of Russian invasion of Ukraine
Closed Door Subregional Session C: South Asia (Auditorium 3)
Moderator: Rana Hasan
1. Prospects and policy challenges for ADO 2024
2. Economic diagnostics for BHU, MAL, NEP, and SRI
3. Planned economics knowledge work
4. Ideas on strengthening RM economics team including possible cross-learning exercises/events
Closed Door Subregional Session D: Southeast Asia (Auditorium 4)
Moderator: James Villafuerte
1. Green economy
2. Team building activity
Closed Door Subregional Session E: East Asia [hybrid format] (LRC2)
Moderator: Akiko Terada-Hagiwara
Topics for discussion:
- Hot topics common across East Asia region (with ERDI and EAOD colleagues) - suggest debt issue
- CPS preparation
- RM economic work (Quarterly Update, ADO dissemination, Data update, MIN, etc.)
- Client's demand for economic work
- Knowledge sharing work