
18 January, Wednesday (9:00am-10:30am)

The opening session of the Forum will be a panel discussion around the topic of “development impact”. We’re trying to get a range of perspectives on this issue, as ERCD, in its new mandate as ERDI,  will be working on developing a development impact rating approach to guide project selection and design- maximizing development impact across ADB operation.

Welcome remarks: Woochong Um, Managing Director General and Officer-in-Charge
                               Office of the President
                               Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development

Keynote speaker: Emmanuel Jimenez, Director General, Independent Evaluation Department

Panel discussion:
  • Albert Park, Chief Economist and Director General, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation
    Department (ERCD)
  • Tetsushi Sonobe, Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute
  • Susann Roth, Advisor, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department and Chief of Knowledge Management
  • Lu Shen,Director, Results Management and Aid Effectiveness Division, Strategy, Policy, and Partnerships Department
Moderator:  Madhavi Pundit, Senior Economist, ERCD