| The Evolution of Kazakhstan’s Trade in Goods and Services: A Country Case Study Using the Input-Output Methodology In recent decades, global production and trade have become increasingly important to the growth of economies across Asia. The role played by global value chain (GVC) participation is especially relevant to resource-dependent countries such as Kazakhstan. This paper looks closely into the trade patterns of Kazakhstan through the application of recently developed GVC indicators generated from multi-regional input-output tables. The paper also examines Kazakhstan’s relationship with its main trade partners and investigates its integration into the Eurasian Economic Union using input-output analysis and the gravity model of trade. These provide comprehensive insights on the overall trade performance of Kazakhstan to provide evidence-based inputs to the country’s policies on trade and economic development.
Author/s: Leila Rahnema, Mahinthan Joseph Mariasingham, Genadiy Rau, Janine De Vera, and Kenneth Reyes JEL codes: F13, F15, F18 |