| Smart Metering and Energy Efficiency
Smart meters use digital and communication technology to accurately measure and record electricity flows. They are remotely controllable and can provide consumption data automatically and in real time. A range of benefits are attributed to smart meters, including reduction in cost of billing, better service quality, and reduction in theft and non-payment by customers. More accurate billing and easy access to consumption information is also expected to reduce wasteful consumption by households and lead to energy efficiency. ERCD along with CWEN and SAEN will conduct impact evaluation studies on the impact of ADB programs on smart meters in India, Nepal, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. This presentation will discuss the economics of smart metering and provide details of the planned studies. Author/s: Manisha Pradhananga, Takashi Yamano, Yuki Inoue, Seung Duck Kim, and Jiwan Acharya JEL codes: Q40, Q41, Q42 |