| Measuring the Degree of Resilience of Remittance Inflows to Developing Economies
Remittances inflows fluctuate along the volatility of world economies as shown during the GFC as well as COVID-19 which affects economies around the globe. But the extent of the fluctuation has diverged across economies in Asia and the Pacific, with sharp declines in the remittance inflows to some economies and continued growth in others. Examining bilateral remittance inflows data of developing economies in Asia and the Pacific, this empirical study investigates the following research questions: (1) What determines the level and volatility of remittance inflows to Asia?; (2) Are remittances inflows to Asia countercyclical? How does the degrees of being countercyclical vary by subregion?; and (3) What are the policy implications of having stable, resilient remittance inflows? Author/s: Kijin Kim and Aiko Kikkawa Takenaka JEL codes: C23, F22, F24 |