Session 4: Gender Issues in Asia
Joseph Zveglich

COVID-19 Disparities by Gender and Wealth: Evidence from the Philippines

While women face lower risk of mortality due to COVID-19, they bear the brunt of the impact of the pandemic in other dimensions. Of particular concern is the overrepresentation of women among low-wage workers on the frontline. Women also face stark employment losses given their disproportionate representation in sectors with the most job losses, and they are performing more unpaid care work as school closures have kept children at home. Using the case of the Philippines, this paper explores factors that may underly gender differences in COVID-19 morbidity and how has the gender differences in the impacts of community quarantine measures. The Philippines constitutes an important case study because it is one of the hardest hit developing countries and because it has taken a lead in gender equality with strong gender laws.

Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Rouselle F. Lavado, Keiko R. Nowacka, David  A. Raitzer, and Joseph E. Zveglich, Jr.
JEL codes: J16, I15, O53