The Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department will hold the 3rd Economists’ Forum on 12-13 January 2021. Economists from across the Bank will gather to network, discuss original research, and learn cutting edge techniques. The Forum aims to raise the profile and quality of ADB research while providing economists an opportunity to shape ADB’s research agenda in line with Strategy 2030 priorities, share knowledge across the Bank, and facilitate collaborative research work.
We invite research proposals related to the theme “Emerging from COVID-19” or on any topic in economics by 16 October 2020. Authors may submit proposals for standalone papers, topical sessions, or poster presentations. Multiple proposals from staff are welcome and should be submitted separately.
Standalone Papers
Research paper submissions should include the full title of the paper, abstract of 100 words or less, JEL codes, and full names of authors at least one of whom is ADB staff.
Topical Sessions
Proposals for a topical session should be around a clearly defined theme identified by the title. Each session proposal should include 3–4 papers with complete information and a suggested moderator. We encourage sessions with staff from multiple ADB departments.
Poster Presentations
We’ve added a poster session to the 2021 Forum! Authors may submit research proposals for presentation in the form of a digital poster that can include charts, photographs, infographics, and text. Selected posters will be exhibited throughout the Forum and presented in a special lunch session.